
SpinQit provides useful APIs for developers to use in their own quantum programs. Users can define custom quantum gates, build new quantum algorithms, and invoke existing algorithms. This section introduces the APIs in SpinQit.


A gate builder is used to define a custom gate. The developer needs to call the to_gate method of a builder to get the gate. SpinQit also provides several specific gate builders:

class spinqit.model.RepeatBuilder

Build a gate which applies the same subgate on multiple qubits.


__init__ (g, repeat, param_lambda)

Create a RepeatBuilder instance.


g – Gate, the gate to repeat

repeat – int, how many qubits to apply g

param_lambda - float or Callable, optional parameters of gate, and None by default


A GateBuilder instance


h4 = RepeatBuilder(H, 4).to_gate()

class spinqit.model.InverseBuilder

Build the inverse gate of a given gate.


__init__ (gate)

Create a InverseBuilder instance.


gate – Gate, the gate to inverse


A GateBuilder instance


x_inv = InverseBuilder(X).to_gate()

class spinqit.model.MultiControlPhaseGateBuilder

Build a multi-controlled phase gate or a multi-controlled Rz gate.


__init__ (ctrl_qubit_num)

Create a MultiControlPhaseGateBuilder instance.


ctrl_qubit_num – int, the number of control qubits. Please notice that the total number of qubits for the generated gate is the number of control qubits plus one.


A GateBuilder instance


c3p = MultiControlPhaseGateBuilder(3).to_gate()

class spinqit.model.Z_IsingGateBuilder

Build a Z-basis parameteric Ising coupling gate.


__init__ (qubit_num, name)

Create a Z_IsingGateBuilder instance.


qubit_num – int, the number of qubits interacted

name - str, name of the gate, 'Z_Ising' by default


A GateBuilder instance


rzz = Z_IsingGateBuilder(2).to_gate()

class spinqit.model.X_IsingGateBuilder

Build a X-basis parameteric Ising coupling gate.


__init__ (qubit_num, name)

Create a X_IsingGateBuilder instance.


qubit_num – int, the number of qubits interacted

name - str, name of the gate, 'X_Ising' by default


A GateBuilder instance


rxx = X_IsingGateBuilder(2).to_gate()

class spinqit.model.Y_IsingGateBuilder

Build a Y-basis parameteric Ising coupling gate.


__init__ (qubit_num, name)

Create a Y_IsingGateBuilder instance.


qubit_num – int, the number of qubits interacted

name - str, name of the gate, 'Y_Ising' by default


A GateBuilder instance


ryy = Y_IsingGateBuilder(2).to_gate()

class spinqit.primitive.MultiControlledGateBuilder

Build a multi-controlled single-qubit gate.


__init__ (ctrl_num, gate, params)

Create a MultiControlledGateBuilder instance.


ctrl_num – int, the number of control qubits

gate - Gate, numpy.ndarray, or list, the single-qubit gate applied on the target qubit which could be a Gate instance in SpinQit or a unitary matrix of ndarray or list type

params – List, the parameters for the Gate instance, None by default


A GateBuilder instance


mcz = MultiControlledGateBuilder(3, Z)

class spinqit.primitive.UniformlyControlledGateBuilder

Build a uniformly controlled single-qubit gate.


__init__ (ctrl_num, gate, params, up_to_diag, add_phase)

Create a UniformlyControlledGateBuilder instance.


ctrl_num – int, the number of control qubits

gate - Gate, numpy.ndarray, or list, the single-qubit gate applied on the target qubit which could be a Gate instance in SpinQit or a unitary matrix of ndarray or list type

params – List, the parameters for the Gate instance, None by default

up_to_diag – bool, whether to implement the uniformly controlled gate up to diagnoal gates, False by default

add_phase – bool, whether to add the global phase, True by default


A GateBuilder instance


ucz = UniformlyControlledGateBuilder(3, Rz, [np.pi/2])


The primitives in this section are subroutines used frequently in quantum programming. These primitives generate instructions or a composite gate to finish the quantum operations. Before generating the instructions, a Circuit instance must be created and qubits must be allocated.

spinqit.primitive.generate_power_gate (gate, exponent, qubits, params, control, control_bit)

Generates the instructions that represent the power of a given gate. The power of the argument “gate” is decomposed to a group of subgates in this function. When “control” is True, the instructions represent the controlled power gate and the argument “control_bit” must be set.


gate - Gate, the base gate

exponent - int or float, the exponent

qubits - List, where to apply the power of gate

params - List, optional parameters of gate, and the default value is []

control - bool, whether to generate the controlled power gate, and the default value is False

control_bit - int, the control qubit, by default it is None


The instructions that represent the power of a given gate.

class spinqit.primitive.AmplitudeAmplification

Generates the instructions for amplitude amplification.


__init__ (flip, flip_qubits, flip_params, state_operator, state_qubits, state_params, reflection_qubits)

Create an AmplitudeAmplification instance.


flip - Gate, the gate to flip the phase of the target

flip_qubits - List, the qubits to apply the flip gate

flip_params - List, the optional parameters in the flip gate

state_operator - Gate, the gate to prepare the state that represents the search space, by default using uniform superposition

state_qubits - List, the qubits to prepare the state

state_params - List, the optional parameters in the state operator gate

reflection_qubits - List, the qubits to apply the reflect operation


An AmplitudeAmplification instance

build ( )

Return the instructions for amplitude amplification.


A list of instructions for amplitude amplification


We provide an example of the Grover algorithm that uses amplitude amplification in example/

class spinqit.primitive.QFT

Generates a gate for quantum Fourier transform or inverse quantum Fourier transform.


__init__ (qubit_num)

Create a QFT instance.


qubit_num - int, the number of qubits to apply QFT/inverse QFT


A QFT instance

build ( )

Build a gate for QFT.


A gate to do quantum Fourier transform

inverse ( )

Build a gate for inverse QFT.


A gate to do inverse quantum Fourier transform

class spinqit.primitive.PhaseEstimation

Generates instructions that estimate the eigenvalue of a given gate corresponding to a specific eigenvector.


__init__ (unitary, state_qubits, output_qubits, params)

Create a PhaseEstimation instance.


unitary - Gate, the gate to apply quantum phase estimation

state_qubits - List, the qubits that encode the eigenvector

output_qubits - List, the qubits that output the estimation result

params - List, optional parameters of the input gate, and [] by default


A PhaseEstimation instance

build ( )

Generate instructions for QPE.


Instructions to do quantum phase estimation

inverse ( )

Generate instructions for inverse QPE.


Instructions to do inverse quantum phase estimation


SpinQit provides APIs for multiple quantum algorithms so that users can run them directly. We provide example codes to show how to use these APIs.

class spinqit.algorithm.HHL

Harrow-Hassidim-Lloyd (HHL) quantum algorithm is used to solve a system of linear equations.


__init__ (mat_A, vec_b)

Initialize an HHL solver.


mat_A - numpy.ndarray, the coefficient matrix

vec_b - numpy.ndarray, the right side constant vector


An HHL instance for a specific system of linear equations

run (backend, config)

Run the solver.


backend - BaseBackend, the backend instance to execute the algorithm

config - Config, the configuration for the backend




We provide an example of HHL in example/

get_measurements ( )

Get the probabilities after running the solver.


A dictionary of the probabilities of different measurements from the solver

get_state ( )

Get the state vector after running the solver, working only with simulator backends.


A dictionary of the probabilities of different measurements from the solver

class spinqit.algorithm.VQE

VQE is short for variational quantum eigensolver, which finds the minimum eigenvalue of a Hermitian matrix H. VQE uses a parameterized ansatz to implement the variational principle. When H describes the Hamiltonian of a system, VQE can obtain the ground state energy of the Hamiltonian.


__init__ (hamiltonian, optimizer, ansatz, params, depth)

Initialize a VQE solver.


hamiltonian - scipy.sparse.csr_matrix or List, the input Hamiltonian which can be a matrix or described by its Pauli decomposition, i.e., a list of (Pauli string, coefficient) pairs

ansatz - Circuit, the ansatz circuit, and a hardware efficient ansatz is used when this parameter is None

optimizer - Optimizer, the optimizer used to optimize the variational parameters

params - array-like or tuple, the initial parameters or the parameter shape, random parameters are created for the default ansatz when None is passed

depth - int, how many times to repeat the default ansatz


A VQE instance

run (mode, grad_method)

Run the solver.


mode - str, the backend mode, 'spinq', 'torch', 'nmr', corresponding to the basic simulator, the pytorch simulator and the NMR machine respectively

grad_method - str, the method to calculate the gradients, 'param_shift', 'adjoint_differentiation' and 'backprop'


A list of loss values


We provide an example of VQE in example/

class spinqit.algorithm.QAOA

Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm (QAOA) is a variational algorithm to solve combinatorial optimization problems.


__init__ (problem, optimizer, depth, problem_ansatz, mixer_ansatz)

Initialize a QAOA solver.


problem - scipy.sparse.csr_matrix or List, the problem Hamiltonian which can be a matrix, or described by its Pauli decomposition, i.e., a list of (Pauli string, coefficient) pairs

optimizer - Optimizer, the optimizer used to optimize the variational parameters

depth - int, how many times to repeat the problem ansatz and the mixer ansatz

problem_ansatz - Gate, a custom gate for the problem ansatz, and a default ansatz is built based on the problem parameter

mixer_ansatz - Gate, a custom gate for the mixer ansatz, and a default Rx ansatz is used when this parameter is None


A QAOA instance

run (mode, grad_method)

Run the solver.


mode - str, the backend mode, 'spinq' or 'torch', corresponding to the basic simulator and the pytorch simulator respectively

grad_method - str, the method to calculate the gradients, 'param_shift' and 'adjoint_differentiation' for the 'spinq' mode and 'backprop' for the 'torch' mode


A list of loss values


We provide an example of QAOA in example/


Get the measurements of the final circuit.


Execution Result after Optimization

class spinqit.algorithm.QuantumCounting

The Grover algorithm is designed to find a solution to an oracle function, while the quantum counting algorithm finds out how many of these solutions there are. This algorithm is a quantum phase estimation of the Grover operator.


__init__ (counting_num, searching_num, prep, oracle, prep_params, oracle_params)

Initialize a QuantumCounting instance for a specific problem.


counting_num - int, the number of qubits to read out the count

searching_num - int, the number of qubits to apply the oracle

prep - Gate, the gate to prepare the states

oracle - Gate, the oracle to count

prep_params - List, [] by default, the optional parameters in the prep gate

oracle_params - List, [] by default, the optional parameters in the oracle gate


A QuantumCounting instance

run (backend, config)

Solve the quantum counting problem.


backend - BaseBackend, the backend instance to execute the algorithm

config - Config, the configuration for the backend


The count of targets


We provide an example of quantum counting in example/

class spinqit.algorithm.QSearching

The QSearching algorithm searches for the index of the maximum or minimum value in an array.


__init__ (objective, backend, config, seed)

Initialize a QSearching instance.


objective - str, 'max' or 'min'

backend - BaseBackend, the backend instance to execute the algorithm

config - Config, the configuration for the backend

seed - None, int, float, str, bytes or bytearray, the random seed used in the algorithm


A QSearching instance

search (dataset)

Search for the max or min value in the dataset.


dataset - arraylike, the input array to search


The index of the max or min value


We provide an example of quantum counting in example/

class spinqit.algorithm.AmplitudeEstimation

Given an operator A that A|0> = √1-a |Ψ0> + √a |Ψ1>, this class estimates the amplitude a of the state |Ψ1>.


__init__ (eval_num, A, params, backend_mode, **kwargs)

Initialize an AmplitudeEstimation instance.


eval_num - int, the number of qubits used for estimation which determines the estimation precision

A - Gate, the target gate to estimate

params - float or list, optional parameters required by A, None by default

backend_mode - str, the backend to execute the quantum circuit, one of 'spinq' (default), 'torch', 'qasm', 'nmr', and 'cloud'

**kwargs - Any, configurations for the backend


An AmplitudeEstimation instance

run ()

Execute the estimation algorithm.


The estimation of the amplitude

class spinqit.algorithm.MaximumLikelihoodAmplitudeEstimation

This class implements the amplitude estimation algorithm based on maximum likelihood.


__init__ (circuit_num, A, params, alpha: float = 0.05, backend_mode, **kwargs)

Initialize a MaximumLikelihoodAmplitudeEstimation instance.


circuit_num - int,

A - Gate, the target gate to estimate

alpha - float, 0.05 by default,

params - float or list, optional parameters required by A, None by default

backend_mode - str, the backend to execute the quantum circuit, one of 'spinq' (default), 'torch', 'qasm', 'nmr', and 'cloud'

**kwargs - Any, configurations for the backend


An MaximumLikelihoodAmplitudeEstimation instance

run ()

Execute the estimation algorithm.


The estimation of the amplitude

class spinqit.algorithm.CoinedQuantumWalk

This class implements a coined quantum walk.


__init__ (state_qubit_num, coin_qubit_num, init_operator, coin_operator, shift_operator, backend_mode, **kwargs)

Initialize a CoinedQuantumWalk instance.


state_qubit_num - int, the number of qubits used for the position state

coin_qubit_num - int, the number of qubits used for the coin

init_operator - Gate, the operator to initialize all the qubits

coin_operator - Gate, the operator that randomly determines how to move next

shift_operator - Gate, the operator that updates the position state

backend_mode - str, the backend to execute the quantum circuit, one of 'spinq' (default), 'torch', 'qasm', 'nmr', and 'cloud'

**kwargs - Any, configurations for the backend


A CoinedQuantumWalk instance

walk (steps)

Execute the quantum walk using the coin.


steps - int, the number of steps to walk


The probabilities of positions after the walk

spinqit.algorithm.coined_quantum_walk.get_grover_coin (coin_qubit_num)

Generate the gate as a Grover coin for coined quantum walk.


coin_qubit_num – int, the number of qubits used for the coin


A composite Gate as a Grover coin

class spinqit.algorithm.QSVC

QSVC is a classifier based on quantum support vector machine. Both quantum kernel and projected quantum kernel methods are available for selection.


__init__ (featuremap, use_projected, qubit_num, measure, backend_mode, **kwargs)

Create a QSVC instance with a custom quantum featuremap or basic information. Either featuremap or qubit_num must be specified.


featuremap – Callable, the function defining the quantum circuit and decorated by to_qlayer

use_projected - bool, whether to use projected quantum kernel or quantum kernel method

qubit_num - int, the number of qubits in the quantum kernel which is None when featuremap is given

measure - MeasureOp, defined by functions such as expval (for projected quantum kernel) and probs (for quantum kernel), and used when featuremap is None

backend_mode - str, the backend to execute the quantum circuit, one of 'spinq', 'torch', 'qasm', 'nmr', and 'cloud'

**kwargs - Any, configurations for the backend


A QSVC instance

fit (X_train, y_train)

Fit the SVM model according to the given training data in the same way as the fit function of sklearn.svm.SVC.


X_train – numpy.ndarray, the training samples

y_train – numpy.ndarray, labels for class membership of each sample


Fitted SVM estimator.

predict (X_test)

Perform classifiction on samples in X.


X_test – numpy.ndarray, the input data


Class labels for samples in X_test

Quantum Machine Learning

SpinQit supports quantum machine learning by providing quantum encoding methods, optimizers, and objective functions. In addition, SpinQit provides interfaces to integrates with classical machine learning frameworks to conduct hybrid quantum-classical machine learning.


Integrating SpinQit QLayer as a quantum layer or module within classical frameworks is quite intuitive. This custom layer, although quantum in nature, still maintains classical inputs and outputs. However, it employs a unique method for calculating the gradients of quantum circuits. We have developed three convenient interfaces to interact with three widely-used classical machine learning frameworks: Pytorch, TensorFlow, and PaddlePaddle. These classical machine learning frameworks permit users to define functions with bespoke gradient computations. Accordingly, SpinQit establishes forward and backward functions for quantum computing that can cooperate with classical training. SpinQit also introduces simple quantum layers directly applicable in these traditional frameworks. It should be noted, however, that a layer in a machine learning model might encompass more than just a quantum circuit. As such, these simple layers may not satisfy all users’ needs. In such cases, users are enabled to create their own quantum layers/modules. We provide two examples at the end of this document to show how these interfaces work with classical frameworks.


class spinqit.interface.torch_interface.QuantumFunction

This class extends torch.autograd.Function and defines forward and backward for quantum computing. The only special parameter is qlayer which must be given to the forward function.


forward (ctx, kwargs, *params)

ctx - torch.autograd.function.FunctionCtx, context between forward and backward

kwargs – dict, qlayer is passed through this dict

*params – torch.Tensor, parameters in the quantum circuit

backward (ctx, grad_output)

ctx - torch.autograd.function.FunctionCtx, context between forward and backward

grad_output – torch.Tensor, the gradient w.r.t the forward output

class spinqit.interface.torch_interface.QuantumModule

This class extends torch.nn.Module and defines a quantum module for Pytorch. The module employs the evaluation output of a single quantum circuit and an optional bias parameter. Users needing additional post-processing aside from the bias will have to define their unique quantum module built upon QuantumFunction.


__init__ (quantum_layer, weight_shape, bias)

Create a QuantumModule that can be used in a Pytorch network for hybrid classical-quantum machine learning.


quantum_layer – QLayer, the interface wrapping circuit and execution configuration

weight_shape - tuple or torch.Size, the shape of the parameter tensor

bias - torch.nn.Parameter, the optional parameter to add to the evaluation result


A QuantumModule instance

forward (state)

state - torch.Tensor, the training or test data

TensorFlow 2.0

spinqit.interface.tf_interface.get_quantum_func (qlayer)

This function uses tensorflow.custom_gradient to define a function to return the forward result and gradient function in the context of quantum computing.


qlayer – QLayer, the interface wrapping circuit and execution configuration


A function returning the forward result and gradient function

class spinqit.interface.tf_interface.QuantumLayer

This class extends tensorflow.keras.layers.Layer and defines a quantum layer for TensorFlow. The module employs the evaluation output of a quantum circuit and an optional bias parameter. Users needing extra post-processing aside from the bias will have to define their own quantum layer based on get_quantum_func.


__init__ (quantum_layer, weight_shape, bias)

Create a QuantumLayer that can be used in a TensorFlow network for hybrid classical-quantum machine learning.


quantum_layer – QLayer, the interface wrapping circuit and execution configuration

weight_shape - tuple or TensorShape, the shape of the parameter tensor

bias - tensorflow.Variable, None by default, the optional parameter to add to the evaluation result


A QuantumLayer instance

call (state)

state - tensorflow.Variable, the training or test data


class spinqit.interface.paddle_interface.QuantumFunction

This class extends paddle.autograd.PyLayer and defines forward and backward for quantum computing. The only special parameter is qlayer which must be given to the forward function.


forward (ctx, kwargs, *params)

ctx - paddle.autograd. PyLayerContext, context between forward and backward

kwargs – dict, qlayer is passed through this dict

*params – paddle.Tensor, parameters in the quantum circuit

backward (ctx, dy)

ctx - paddle.autograd. PyLayerContext, context between forward and backward

dy – paddle.Tensor, the gradient w.r.t the forward output


Currently, there are three off-the-shelf encoding functions which convert classical information into quantum states or operations. These encoding functions can be used for quantum feature maps. Users can also define their own encoding circuit.

spinqit.primitive.amplitude_encoding (vector, qubits)

Encodes classical information into amplitudes of quantum states. The amplitude of each quantum state is associated with a specific classical value in the input vector. The normalized state vector is equal to the normalized input vector.


vector – numpy.ndarray, the input classical vector

qubits - List, the qubits to encode the input vector


The instructions prepare quantum states to encode the given vector.

spinqit.primitive.angle_encoding (vector, qubits, depth, rotate_gate)

Encodes classical information into parameters of rotation gates.


vector – numpy.ndarray or PlaceHolder, the input classical vector

qubits - List, the qubits to encode the input vector

depth - int, how many times to repeat the encoding gates, 1 by default

rotate_gate - str, the rotation gate 'rx', 'ry' or 'rz' to use, 'ry' by default


The instructions for the rotation gates.

spinqit.primitive.iqp_encoding (vector, qubits, depth, ring_pattern)

Encodes classical information $x$ into $ (U_Z(x)H^{\otimes n})^d \vert 0^n\rangle $. Please refer to Havlíček, Vojtěch, et al. "Supervised learning with quantum-enhanced feature spaces." for details.


vector – numpy.ndarray or PlaceHolder, the input classical vector

qubits - List, the qubits to encode the input vector

depth - int, 1 by default, how many times to repeat the basic IQP circuit

ring_pattern - bool, False by default, whether to apply a rzz gate to the first and last qubits


The instructions for the instantaneous quantum polynomial circuit

spinqit.primitive.basis_encoding (vector, qubits)

Encodes classical binary information into a quantum circuit. Apply the X gate to the ith qubit when the ith element is 1.


vector – numpy.ndarray, the input classical binary vector

qubits - List, the qubits to encode the input vector


The instructions prepare quantum states to encode the given vector.

Objective Function

SpinQit supports not only classical objective functions based on measurements, but also quantum objective functions. These include Fidelity, VNEntropy, MutualInfo, and RelativeEntropy.

class spinqit.algorithm.loss.Fidelity

An objective function calculating the state fidelity.


__call__ (state, target_state)

Calculate the fidelity between a state and a target state.


state – list or torch.Tensor like, the input state vector

target_state – list or torch.Tensor like, the target state vector


The fidelity value

class spinqit.algorithm.loss.VNEntropy

An objective function calculating the Von Neumann Entropy.


__init__ (log_base)

Create a VNEntropy instance.


log_base – float, log(log_base) is used as the dividend in the computation of the entropy


A VNEntropy instance

__call__ (state, indices)

Calculate the Von Neumann entropy of a state.


state – list or torch.Tensor like, the input state vector

indices – list, the indices of subsystems to keep in the output, which essentially represent the qubits


The Von Neumann entropy

class spinqit.algorithm.loss.MutualInfo

An objective function calculating the mutual information.


__init__ (log_base)

Create a MutualInfo instance.


log_base – float, log(log_base) is used as the dividend in the computation of the VN entropies


A MutualInfo instance

__call__ (state, indices)

Calculate the mutual information between two subsystems.


state – list or torch.Tensor like, the input state vector

indices0 – list, the indices of the first subsystem

indices1 – list, the indices of the second subsystem


The mutual information between two subsystems

class spinqit.algorithm.loss.RelativeEntropy

An objective function calculating the relative entropy.


__init__ (log_base)

Create a RelativeEntropy instance.


log_base – float, log(log_base) is used as the dividend in the computation of the VN entropies


A RelativeEntropy instance

__call__ (state0, state1)

Calculate the relative entropy between two states.


state0 – list or torch.Tensor like, the first input state vector

state1 – list or torch.Tensor like, the second input state vector


The relative entropy


SpinQit has three native optimizers and three interfaces to use optimizers from SciPy, PyTorch and Noisyopt.

class spinqit.algorithm.optimizer.ADAM

Native implementation of ADAM optimizer in SpinQit.


__init__ (maxiter, tolerance, learning_rate, beta1, beta2, noise_factor, verbose)

Create an ADAM optimizer instance.


maxiter – int, maximum number of iterations, 1000 by default

tolerance – float, tolerance for termination, 1e-4 by default

learning_rate – float, the learning rate, 0.01 by default

beta1 – float, decay rate for the first moment of the gradient, 0.9 by default

beta2 – float, decay rate for the second moment of the gradient, 0.99 by default

noise_factor – float, noise factor which >= 0, 1e-8 by default

verbose – bool, whether to show optimization details, True by default


An ADAM instance

optimize (qlayer, *params)

Optimize the objective function.


qlayer – QLayer, the interface wrapping circuit and execution configuration

*params - Parameter, parameters used in the quantum circuit


The list of loss values

class spinqit.algorithm.optimizer.GradientDescent

Native implementation of gradient descent optimizer in SpinQit.


__init__ (maxiter, tolerance, learning_rate, verbose)

Create a GradientDescent optimizer instance.


maxiter – int, maximum number of iterations, 1000 by default

tolerance – float, tolerance for termination, 1e-6 by default

learning_rate – float, the learning rate, 0.01 by default

verbose – bool, whether to show optimization details, True by default


A GradientDescent instance

optimize (qlayer, *params)

Optimize the objective function.


qlayer – QLayer, the interface wrapping circuit and execution configuration

*params - Parameter, parameters used in the quantum circuit


The list of loss values

class spinqit.algorithm.optimizer.QuantumNaturalGradient

Implementation of quantum natural gradient optimizer in SpinQit


__init__ (maxiter, tolerance, learning_rate, verbose)

Create a QuantumNaturalGradient optimizer instance.


maxiter – int, maximum number of iterations, 1000 by default

tolerance – float, tolerance for termination, 1e-6 by default

learning_rate – float, the learning rate, 0.01 by default

verbose – bool, whether to show optimization details, True by default


A QuantumNaturalGradient instance

optimize (qlayer, *params)

Optimize the objective function.


qlayer – Qlayer, the interface wrapping circuit and execution configuration

*params - Parameter, parameters used in the quantum circuit


The list of loss values

class spinqit.algorithm.optimizer.TorchOptimizer

Interface to use optimizers in PyTorch, including NAdam, Adam, SGD, AdamW, Adagrad


__init__ (maxiter, tolerance, learning_rate, verbose, optim_type, **kwargs)

Create a TorchOptimizer instance to call optimizers in PyTorch.


maxiter – int, maximum number of iterations, 1000 by default

tolerance – float, tolerance for termination, 1e-6 by default

learning_rate – float, the learning rate, 0.01 by default

verbose – bool, whether to show optimization details, True by default

optim_type – str, 'NAdam', 'Adam', 'SGD', 'AdamW', or 'Adagrad', and the default type is 'NAdam'

kwargs - dict, other parameters used by Pytorch optimizers


An interface instance that calls the optimizers in PyTorch

optimize (qlayer, *params)

Optimize the objective function.


qlayer – Qlayer, the interface wrapping circuit and execution configuration

*params - Parameter, parameters used in the quantum circuit


The list of loss values

class spinqit.algorithm.optimizer.ScipyOptimizer

Interface to call optimizers in SciPy, specifically, "Nelder-Mead" and "COBYLA"


__init__ (maxiter, tolerance, verbose, method, **kwargs)

Create a ScipyOptimizer instance to call optimizers in SciPy.


maxiter – int, maximum number of iterations, 10000 by default

tolerance – float, tolerance for termination, 1e-4

verbose – bool, whether to show optimization details, False by default

method – str, 'Nelder-Mead' or 'COBYLA', by default 'COBYLA'


An interface instance that calls the optimizers in SciPy

optimize (fn, *params)

Optimize the objective function.


fn – Qlayer, the interface wrapping circuit and execution configuration

*params - Parameter, parameters used in the quantum circuit


The list of loss values

class spinqit.algorithm.optimizer.SPSAOptimizer

Interface to use the minimizeSPSA optimizer from noisyopt.


__init__ (maxiter, verbose, a, c, **kwargs)

Create a SPSAOptimizer instance to call the minimizeSPSA optimizer.


maxiter – int, maximum number of iterations, 100 by default

verbose – bool, whether to show optimization details, False by default

a - float, scaling parameter for step size, 1.0 by default

c - float, scaling parameter for evaluation step size, 1.0 by default


An interface instance that calls the minimizeSPSA optimizer

optimize (qlayer, *params)

Optimize the objective function.


qlayer – Qlayer, the interface wrapping circuit and execution configuration

*params - Parameter, parameters used in the quantum circuit


The list of loss values


SpinQit provides two off-the-shelf problem solvers based on quantum algorithms. The satisfaction problem (SAT) and the traveling salesman problem (TSP) can model many real-world application problems and can by solved by quantum algorithms efficiently.


class spinqit.solver.SATSolver

A solver to solve the satisfaction problem using Grover's algorithm.


__init__ (expr)

Create a SATSolver instance for a specific satisfaction problem.


expr – str or sympy.logic.boolalg.And, the expression that represents the satisfaction problem to solve


An instance of SATSolver

solve (backend_mode, **kwargs)

Solve the satisfaction on the given backend.


backend_mode - str, the backend to execute the quantum circuit, one of 'spinq', 'torch', 'qasm', 'nmr', and 'cloud'

**kwargs - Any, configurations for the backend


The assignment satisfying the constraints


class spinqit.solver.TSPSolver

A solver to solve the traveling salesman problem using VQE algorithm.


__init__ (vertex_num, weighted_adjacency, penalty)

Create a TSPSolver instance for a specific graph.


vertex_num – int, the number of vertices

weighted_adjacency – list or numpy.ndarray, the weighted adjacency matirx in which weighted_adjacency[i][j] is the weight for the edge i to j

penalty – float, a parameter required in the algorithm whose value must be larger than the maximum weight


An instance of TSPSolver

solve (iterations, backend_mode, grad_method, learning_rate)

Solve the TSP problem with specific configurations.


iterations - int, the number of maximum iterations

backend_mode - str, the backend to execute the quantum circuit, 'spinq' or 'torch'

grad_method - str, the gradient method used in VQE

learning_rate = float, 0.1 by default, the learning rate used in the optimizer


The visiting order of vertices